Monday, October 7, 2013

First Post: A Homemaker on a Homestead

     I'm hoping to make this blog all about homesteading (a lost art) and homemaking (yet another lost art) and use it as a way to document mine and my family's journey towards living a simpler and more natural life. Fair warning, if butchering animals in an effort to feed your family fresh, wholesome, antibiotic and hormone free food is NOT your thing then you probably shouldn't read this blog. Because its my thing and I will be posting about it, no pics or gory details though, I'm not that gross!  Now if you love animals, beekeeping, kids, knitting, crocheting, from scratch recipes, or chemical free cleaning products you're in the right spot! These are all of my favorite things and I'm going to post all about them.
     Let me share with you how we began this journey. About a year ago we bought a pair of Dominique chickens and started a small garden in our backyard.
                                                              A pic of our first coop
                                                                And our first garden

We recently moved and have a TON of space. Our homestead has grown and now includes an undetermined amount of chickens(too many to count), three rabbits, 2 ducks, and honey bees. Our dream is to own some sheep and possibly a cow or two as well.
                                                             The new property

We are by no means homestead experts. As a matter of fact we're the complete opposite. This whole journey thus far has been trial and error and we're learning as we go. Hopefully, by following this blog you can avoid some of the mistakes that we make. Happy Homesteading!

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