Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Update: Welcoming the New Kits

Happy Monday! We had a very exciting weekend. Our Sable Rabbit, Cinnabun, surprised us with a litter of kits! She started preparing her nest on Wednesday.

This is what we found on Wednesday
She was very restless all day
Cinnabun was so restless, she was frantically pulling her hair out to line the nest box and was hopping in and out of the box (note the blurry photo). As soon as the sun went down on Wednesday night the kits were born. We didn't want to disturb her much so, we just took a guess on how many kits there were. My kiddos all guessed four or five. After giving her time to adjust to her new little ones, I went in to the hutch on Saturday to check on the kits and get an actual count. To my surprise she had nine kits!
 A view of the babies
Could they be any cuter?!?!
Cinnabun has been a really great mom, all of the kits seem well fed and she's been very comfortable with me touching the kits and the nest.
As relaxed as can be
While I tended to the new babies the boys got a lot of work done on the new coop. We're actually just about finished.
Working hard
This coop was originally built by my husbands grandfather but, time had worn it down. We decided from the get go to salvage as much of the original building materials as possible and in doing so, it's really turned into a beautiful and unique coop.
A salvaged post from the original design
Hammering away
My plan is to have the coop done by the end of this week and move all of the chickens from the brooder to the coop outside.
Let me know in the comments below what projects you worked on this weekend. And I'd love to hear from anyone that's raised rabbits before. Happy Homesteading!

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