Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Homestead Update

 I'm so excited to be blogging again! Now that we're somewhat settled in our house I'm hoping to have more time to devote to writing. We've made a lot of progress on the homestead so, let me catch you up.
  About two weeks ago we added some new members to the flock. Our very first pair of turkeys! Having these guys on the property has been interesting to say the least and I can't wait to do a more in-depth post on turkey care.
             Our Bourbon Red tom

 Along with the turkeys we'll be adding some new chickens and ducks. We've done two hatches already and we'll be doing at least one more. 
               Here's our first hatch
                  And our second

   We've done some rearranging on the property, started working on a third coop, and of course started seeds for the garden. Phew! That's a lot for a short few months and there's so much more to come so, stay tuned! 
Happy homesteading!

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