Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekend Update: Clearing The Property And A Fun Announcement

Happy Monday! It was a rainy weekend here but, we managed to get quite a bit done. We spent the majority of Friday evening clearing bamboo out of the yard to make room for a new duck house. Let me just say bamboo is a pain!!!! It's difficult to cut down and a lot heavier than you'd think. I was exhausted after dragging just two loads off and we have a lot more to clear.


The guys clearing bamboo

This is only a fraction of the bamboo on our property
I also took the ducklings for their first swim. I normally would take them out to the creek but, the weather hasn't been cooperating so, into a shallow bucket they went.

Herman going for his first swim!
I had to break up quite a few fights between my Black Copper Marans and Langshan roosters this weekend. Pecking order is natural and has to be established but, once blood has been drawn I always intervene. I eventually had to pen up the Langshan (sad face). I have both roosters out today and so far they've left each other alone.
My Langshan with noticeable injuries
 Fireman Sam has moved up in the ranks
Now for the big announcement, I'm participating in the 5th annual Easter Hatch-A-Long over at Backyard Chickens. And more exciting than that, I'll be blogging through the whole process! Whether you've hatched eggs before or never would in your life, you need to follow along. I'll be posting weekly photos of the eggs being candled as well as step by step incubating instructions and troubleshooting. The process of hatching eggs is truly amazing to watch.
The eggs are set
If you want to follow the hatch-a-long (and you should) make sure to sign up for direct email feed at the bottom of the page. And in the comments below let me know if you've ever hatched eggs. Happy Homesteading!

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